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Перевод: analgesia speek analgesia

обезболивание; анальгезия


  1. We chose acupuncture points that had been used in most experiments with acupuncture analgesia, as well as in the two previous clinical studies, both of which were of electroacupuncture.
  2. For instance, the electroencephalograph patterns (" brain waves") of people undergoing acupuncture analgesia are quite different from those of people put into states of analgesia through hypnotic suggestion.
  3. Agents able to interrupt these two mechanisms should be able to bring about preemptive analgesia.
  4. The result was that the babies with analgesia had much reduced postoperative endocrine changes, fewer complications and earlier recovery.
  5. Brian was given analgesia and occasional sedation at night.
  6. Pre-emptive analgesia has, indeed, been said to have been shown to occur in several clinical studies.
  7. Pre-emptive local anaesthetic field block for inguinal herniorrhaphy resulted in reduced pain scores and a delay in requests for analgesia during the six hours studied by Ejlersen et al , but similar work detected no pre-emptive effect over a longer period.
  8. McQuay pointed out that though such studies show clinical benefit from analgesic interventions before surgery the mechanism might not be pre-emptive analgesia because the study designs did not compare identical analgesic interventions after the surgical stimulus.
  9. Pre-emptive analgesia may be relevant to the management of chronic pain; a Danish study showed a reduction of phantom limb pain for up to one year when ischaemic pain was treated effectively with epidural analgesia before amputation.
  10. Most of the objective data on acupuncture analgesia have been obtained with electroacupuncture rather than dry needling as described in the reference that Lewis cites; therefore we prefer electroacupuncture.
  11. Both premedication with opioids and local anaesthetic block before incision delayed the request for analgesia after orthopaedic surgery when used individually - and, more impressively, in combination.
  12. In animals much smaller doses of morphine will prevent sensitisation of the nervous system to pain than are necessary to suppress it, indicating that pre-emptive analgesia might be worth while.
  13. Pre-emptive analgesia
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