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Перевод: analytically speek analytically



  1. In 1953, with the same type of undulator and 100 MeV electrons, he produced spontaneous visible radiation, and later showed analytically that radiation could be amplified by using this technique.
  2. Things do not look white in virtue of something analytically involved in their looking white, something which they have in common - as metals have in common that their oxides dissolved in water yield an alkaline solution - with other things that look white.
  3. There are, however, three analytically distinct and important political and policy responses which need to be examined: (a) the Scarman Report; (b) policing and law and order (c) economic and social policies.
  4. These meanings are analytically generated, constructed from outside the discursive contexts under analysis, that is they are not meanings as used by participants.
  5. Saunders partly deflects criticism of this sort by putting forward the dual state thesis as an "ideal-type", claiming that it is a research strategy rather than an account of reality, and that its aim is to develop a framework which suggests research questions and which can be evaluated analytically but not empirically.
  6. Strictly speaking - and this is important analytically - he is asking for treatment to be discontinued.
  7. And so in this chapter I want to look analytically at some of the ways Christianity has unwittingly capitulated to the forces of modernity.
  8. Yet, analytically, bureaucracies are highly segmented, both vertically and horizontally, composed of a number of different institutions with different specialisations, clients, idioms of discourse, degrees of autonomy and secrecy, and the like.
  9. To blame irrational politicians, political constraints, administrative incompetence, or farmers' traditional beliefs may ease the personal contradiction, but it is analytically naive.
  10. Essentially, in an explanation of a case of soil erosion, there are two sets of specificity to be tackled - that of the physical system and that of the social/economic system, and they both have to be brought together and analytically integrated.
  11. Slowly better systems were introduced, making it possible to look more analytically at what was happening.
  12. Then there are a number of predictions made in Marxist literature, such as the transition from socialism to communism, which it is impossible to subject to any meaningful test, and which are not even developed analytically.
  13. Everyone who wants to act professionally should try to see as much drama as they possibly can - and this means in the broadest sense, watching television, cinema, visiting the theatre and looking at the actor's work carefully and analytically.

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