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Перевод: ancillary speek ancillary

подчиненный; вспомогательный; подсобный; служебный; раболепный; свойственный служанке;
дополнение; дополнительная часть ; помощник


  1. And it is possible to build a club and run it profitably without building huge ancillary leisure developments."
  2. This approach (often referred to as a "rule of reason" approach) was adopted by the Commission in the Odin case (discussed on page 141) where the Commission held that a joint venture between undertakings which were not potential competitors did not fall within Article 85(1) and neither did any ancillary restrictions inherent in the creation of the joint venture.
  3. Through the ports of Rye, Winchelsea and Shoreham the men of the Weald exported an increasing amount of timber, both as "billets" of fuel and, in large oaks, for building; one major ancillary of this was the ship-building industry which flourished in most of the county's ports until the later fourteenth century.
  4. At any time Hickson will probably have around 20 reactors available, ranging in size from 500 to 1500 gallons, supported by a range of filtration, scrubbing and ancillary equipment.
  5. The definition of "teaching costs" was extended as in Recommendation 14 of Ashby to include ancillary duties such as guiding junior colleagues.
  6. This would mean that a marriage did exist; but doubtless it would not be beyond the wit of the courts to arrange things so that the question of ancillary relief received short shrift.
  7. Indeed, contrary to MAFF's stubbornly held views that the LFA Directive cannot be used to support conservation except as an ancillary to agricultural development, the then Minister of Agriculture, Mr Peter Walker, answered a question in the House on 10 December 1981 on how successful the LFA Directive had been in encouraging production in the UK.
  8. Ancillary services such as engineers and field hospitals had become a little more elaborate, but an army was still essentially composed, as was Napoleon's, of the three great arms: artillery, cavalry and infantry.
  9. Some guidance on the extent to which ancillary restrictions are acceptable under the Merger Regulation is found in a notice issued by the Commission.
  10. For example, some Health Authorities tried to obstruct the competitive tendering process for ancillary services.
  11. In the health service, job evaluation systems already cover ancillary, administrative and technical staff.
  12. One of the saddest effects of the radical trade unionism of recent years is that it has divided teacher from teacher, head teacher from staff, teachers from ancillary workers, schools from parents.
  13. He had, some months before, wrested the World Boxing Council title from the Italian Rocky Mattioli and was reaping some of the ancillary benefits for his achievements: he was guest of honour at the boxing show.
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