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Перевод: antithesis speek antithesis

антитезис ; антитеза ; полная противоположность; контраст


  1. But the cinema Americans were interested in was the antithesis of the Free Cinema mode.
  2. Neither, in any obvious way, has its antithesis, dubbed by John Bayley "the parochialism of protest".
  3. Sir Richard described the proposal in the Broadcasting Bill as "state control of a commercial channel - surely the antithesis of everything this government is opposed to".
  4. Moreover, as fat is defined as the antithesis of erotic, "erotic" clothes on a fat body may be interpreted as contradictory or ridiculous.
  5. Love is the antithesis of selfishness, it consists of investing one's own resources in the well-being of another.
  6. Via the expression of a perverse masochism, with its disturbing mix of abjection and arrogance, this act, in one sense the supreme antithesis of everything Christ died for - he died after all to save us all - is identified as Christlike.
  7. Noise is about fascination, the antithesis of meaning.
  8. There are some syllabus makers, often expatriates, in all subjects, who would see anything African as desirable and anything European as irrelevant; the antithesis of the old Euro-centred approaches and equally ridiculous.
  9. But Nature and Culture are by no means absolute in their antithesis, but are themselves culturally mediated.
  10. It would otherwise pass for a much more lowly Golf and is the antithesis of the fire-breathing extravagance of the Integrale 16v - very handy when it comes to the boys in blue.
  11. Finally to cite the independence movement in Eastern Europe as the antithesis of what is happening in the community is the ultimate absurdity.
  12. He points to Derrida s fascination with fourfold elements, evident in his deconstruction of the Hegelian triad - thesis, antithesis, synthesis - to add a fourth element, which is deconstruction itself.
  13. Thus is the subject decentred, and subjectivity revealed as a kind of subjection - not the antithesis of social process but its focus.

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