Перевод: apostasy
[существительное] отступничество; измена ; ренегатство; вероотступничество [существительное]
- Especially in the Belfast area, people would work for him, not because he was an evangelical who denounced apostasy and promoted sabbatarianism and temperance, but because he was a strong loyalist who articulated their suspicions that the leaders of the Unionist Party - "the fur coat brigade" - were rather more interested in looking after themselves than they were in protecting working-class Protestants.
- The commitment of Paisley and his supporters to protesting against both religious apostasy and political compromise ensured that the movement would eventually be confronted by the legal powers of the state.
- Areas of study reflect both the old and the new concerns: they range from head-counting to Grand Theory; they cover religious organisations and their power structures; they examine processes such as conversion, apostasy , institutionalisation, bureaucratisation, the growth of charisma and its rationalisation; typological distinctions are drawn (such as those between church, denomination and sect); the relationship between religion and other areas of society (the family, education, economy and, especially, politics) is examined from a number of angles at a number of levels; and there is also developing an increasing number of specialist "subdisciplines" - such as the sociologies of Catholicism, secularism, the ministry, gender and religion, and new religious movements.
- In the years 1815-;27, when he was hated by the young Romantic poets for his apostasy, it is only fair to point out that many quite reasonable people were at panic stations because of incipient popular unrest.
- Those who came to the conclusion that such total apostasy is possible might then speculate on the cynicism, and the intellectual vacuum at the top of the party, which prompted such a sudden shift.
- The spectre of the great apostasy was always a threat to the more ideologically committed evangelicals but Terence O'Neill's reforms, tepid and half-hearted as they were, raised the spectre to a power and status from which it threatened a far greater number of rural Presbyterians who saw the proposed changes as proof that Paisley had been right all along.
- While it may not now be possible fully to recover their critique of mass culture from the totalizing force of its own negative rhetoric, it is at least possible to regret the ease with which it has been adopted as the convenient apostasy of a new rhetoric, operating as a kind of semaphore, signalling correct positions across great distances with a simplified and purely functional code.
- Mr Kinnock is Labour's Disraeli, which is one of the reasons why Tory attacks on Mr Kinnock's apostasy are ahistorical.
- All of this meant that Paisley's criticisms of apostasy were being uttered in a considerably more apostate era than the times in which Hunter and Grier had failed to promote their schism.
- Apostasy is preached from the pulpits and infiltrates secular and religious thinking.
- Certainly there was the occasional spectacular apostasy from civilized values, as in the case of Jack Driberg, a Kenya Masai official who went native and then proceeded to a distinguished career as a lecturer in anthropology at Cambridge; but on the whole the records, in so far as they can be relied on in such matters do not support this view.
- At Rome there had been some disagreement and even contention for more than a century on the possibility of restoration for believers who committed adultery, murder, or apostasy (participation in idolatrous rites).
- But as one might have predicted, such opposition backfired by confirming the very claims which the Free Presbyterians made about the great apostasy and the undemocratic nature of Terence O'Neill's rule.
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