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Перевод: appraiser

оценщик ; таксатор


  1. In 1987 a Sotheby's appraiser valued the seriously damaged panels at 1.25 million, reaching that figure by dividing the auction price paid for a celebrated Thomas Hart Benton mural by three.
  2. Probably, for the United Company of Undertakers was never admitted at the Guildhall, and their "house" was none other than the business premises of Robert Legg Snr, upholder, appraiser and undertaker.
  3. But Anselm was something more than this: he was the most rigorous thinker, and the most severe appraiser of motives of his day; he abominated worldly power, and - unless we believe his contemporary critics or modern friends - he sought every excuse to avoid having to exercise power himself.
  4. In marked contrast is an outer case provided in 1864 by Maria Taylor, trading in Coney Street, York, as "Cabinet-maker, Upholsterer, Auctioneer, Appraiser and Undertaker", for the remains of the Seventh Earl of Carlisle.
  5. I think the other thing is it's very much an appraisal of the working relationship between the appraiser and the appraisee the way we're doing it.
  6. The appraiser reckoned that the Benton work was three times the size of Daugherty's.
  7. It was b practising being an appraisee and an appraiser.

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