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Перевод: arduous speek arduous

крутой; трудный; энергичный; труднодоступный; ревностный


  1. After dark, working by compass, we headed into the desolate Scottish countryside, our rucksacks weighted with filled sandbags to get us used to travelling long arduous miles with heavy loads.
  2. Defeated, Howard doubled back into the tortuous mountains, retraced his arduous journey, and re-crossed the Salmon at White Bird Canyon.
  3. I remember that when Philip and I first made our way through London to a shop which was depicted in an advertisement, in spite of the crowds on either hand all along our route, in spite of the full directions of our elders, we were as much elated by our achievement as if it had been an arduous discovery made after a journey in a desert.
  4. As reflected in the original rich picture, there were concerns about the routine handover of information about the day-to-day condition of residents, and it was obvious that the process of keeping records for a large number of residents was an arduous manual task, indicating that some gains in efficiency might be possible by the introduction of computer support.
  5. THE holidays of Prospect Art Tours are intentionally arduous, designed, I was told, for people whose normal lives are quiet, restful and uneventful.
  6. They had approached the camp silently the previous night, while Howard, with 700 soldiers, emerged from an arduous crossing of the Lolo Trail.
  7. Travel: Doing the Twist with the wild men of Borneo In search of excitement: a teenager describes an arduous trek on the other side of the world; her mother describes the difficulties of dealing with an adventurous daughter.
  8. The wall running up to the skyline beyond Middle Washfold points the way to the summit of Ingleborough and is the route usually followed by Three Peaks walkers, but others not committed to this arduous marathon, especially if inspired by what they have seen at Great Douk and Middle Washfold, may wish to linger on the easy ground below the steepening slopes.
  9. The short version makes much less of the allegedly arduous process of painting, and many will find it more, er, palatable.
  10. The job wasn't arduous, but she knew that gradually she was taking on much more than the advertisement had suggested and she sensed that the main anxiety of their life was whether she would stay.
  11. Later we all climb to the top of the cliffs behind the bay, an arduous scramble up step, stream-washed scree.
  12. A reasonable employer would not, for example, be entitled to instruct a man who has just resumed work following a major heart attack to undertake immediately a long and arduous period of foreign travel.
  13. All diary recording is arduous and this was no exception.

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