Перевод: arisen
[прилагательное] возникший; поднявшийся; раздавшийся; [глагол] #p.p. от arise
- They represent a crystallised situation, which would have arisen if Hook Harris had ceased trading and been sold off.
- Since their work covered such a vast range of subjects, it is necessary to limit the discussion to topics which have arisen within the traditional limits of anthropology, and to leave to other studies an examination of Marx's and Engels's views of such periods as feudalism or ancient Greece and Rome, since these fall more under the orbit of historical studies.
- Such a case could have arisen if the subsidiary had comprised both (say) estate agency and recruitment agency businesses and all the estate agency offices were closed.
- When an appeal was proceeding in accordance with ss 31, 50, 52 and 54, TMA 1970, the taxpayer could not litigate a point of law that had arisen in the appeal.
- The Authority was less successful in its attempt to ensure that disciplinary proceedings were brought against a detective superintendent, whose early retirement from the Metropolitan Police in 1989 meant that he avoided questions about his links with drug smuggling and criminal gangs, queries that had arisen after a World in Action television programme which had made serious allegations about corruption in the London police.
- Observers believe the confusion may have arisen because the original KGB ceased to exist as on January 1 and has been replaced by two separate agencies, both of which entered into negotiations to sell the files.
- The relations of capitalists and workers were therefore the product of a specific state of affairs, the ownership which had arisen in history and was not inevitable, or given in the laws of logic.
- But because the demand for central control has arisen out of a general dissatisfaction with education, and this dissatisfaction is often directed towards an excess of "creativity" in the classroom, a lack of a disciplined work-force, it is generally assumed that the central common curriculum to be nationally accepted would be down-to-earth, factual, able to be assessed, and marked by a tick or a cross.
- In Latin America other schools of thought have arisen, such as those of Masi and Orthega, but it is yet to be demonstrated that they are any more effective than the guidelines laid down by Hahnemann in the sixth edition of his Organon of Rational Healing .
- Alternatively, s.22(1) of the Alkali, etc., Works Act 1906 provides for formal complaint to be made to HM Industrial Air Pollution Inspectorate via their inspectors, by any local authority or inhabitant of the district, if a process to which the Act applies is being carried on in contravention of the provisions of the Act and a nuisance has arisen.
- Some reports by the Nazi authorities on the unrest which had arisen claimed that it was having an impact on confidence in Hitler himself.
- The English Courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement, unless the Publisher voluntarily submits itself to the jurisdiction of some other tribunal.
- A vacancy has arisen on the Women Chemists Committee, the role of which is to raise the profile of women in chemistry by:
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