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Перевод: armory speek armory

склад оружия; арсенал ; оружейный завод; учебный манеж; геральдика


  1. The following works are among the more important to the local historian: Archaeology by Warwick Bray and David Trump (Penguin Books 1970); Architecture by John Fleming and others (penguin Books 1966); Field Names by John Field (London 1972); British Folk Customs by Christina Hale (London 1978) - a related book, British Folk Tales and Legends by Katharine Briggs, London 1977, is not in dictionary format but is valuable; Genealogy by Terrick FitzHugh (Sherborne, new edition 1988); Heraldry by Stephen Friar (Sherborne 1987),; Burke's General Armory (London, reprint 1984); Historical Slang (London 1972); Nursery Rhymes by Iona and Peter Opie (Oxford, revised 1977); English Place Names by Eilert Ekwall (Oxford, 4th edition 1960); English Plant Names by Geoffrey Grigson (London 1974); Religions by J.R.
  2. At all stages in the development of armory, and in all the centuries during which it has been in use, there have been two conflicting underlying factors, and it is important that the local historian be aware of them from the outset, so that if false trails are followed they are not followed for long.
  3. In addition to the books already mentioned, the following are among others of value: Burke's General Armory , published in 1842 and reissued in facsimile in London in 1984.
  4. The Armory Art Show opens this month
  5. To begin with, heraldry (or, more properly, armory) comprised designs on shields and horse trappings adopted by the knightly class and above, to identify each other in tournaments.
  6. One of de Bois" greatest successes was the sale of six works by Redon at the 1913 Armory Show, after which de Bois considered himself an equal to dealers such as Vollard and Kahnweiler.
  7. Anglo-Norman Armory (Vols I II) by Cecil Humphery-Smith (Canterbury 1978) is of value to the researcher needing assistance in identifying arms on early rolls.
  8. At the end of September, 35 English dealers and 15 from the Continent joined 35 American dealers to hold the first International Antique Dealers' Show at the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue, in the heart of Manhattan.
  9. And William and his family sported the Titford arms, listed in Burke's General Armory as: "Gules.
  10. The counterpart to Burke's General Armory is Papworth's Ordinary of British Armorials , published in 1874 and reissued in London in 1985.
  11. Rising as it did, when the nobility and knightly classes in England were of Norman stock, it follows that the language of armory was French, and so it has remained (in remarkably garbed form with English interpolations) to the present day.
  12. The exhibition ostensibly covers three-quarters of a century of art - from the Armory Show of 1913 to the present day.
  13. The Art Dealers Association of America holds its fifth annual show, The Art Show, at the Armory from 25 February to 1 March.

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