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Перевод: asset speek asset

имущество; ценный вклад; имущество несостоятельного должника; имущество обанкротившейся фирмы; ценное качество


  1. The government treats asset receipts not as a means of financing the budget deficit, but instead as negative public expenditure .
  2. The planning of operations by those who are going to carry them out, obviates delay and misunderstandings which happen to be caused by intermediate stages, and makes for the speed of execution which in any operation of this kind is an incalculable asset.
  3. His other great asset has been his sense of the way minds changed in the generations of the late Sixties and after.
  4. In terms of their asset ownership and their household structure, elderly people today have greater command over resources and are less dependent on the goodwill of their kin than was the case in the early years of the twentieth century.
  5. There is a considerable and divided literature about the private benefits accruing to a household with a small family (Ohlin 1969, saying that children are not a good investment, Caldwell 1978 and White 1976, suggesting a positive asset value for children).
  6. Asset Line, Asset Plus and Asset Plan are three such facilities.
  7. The most significant changes made to building societies' own accounts relate to the balance sheet and its two dominant asset groups - liquid assets and commercial assets.
  8. The definition of a liability is complementary to that of an asset.
  9. How, though, can asset prices rise in the face of forced selling?
  10. Under the new approach, termed a "linked presentation", the finance raised through the securitisation is shown on the face of the balance sheet deducted from the related gross asset within a single asset caption.
  11. Asset values there are falling from the gravity-defying levels of the 1980s in a manner which threatens the whole financial system.
  12. However, a slope should be considered as an asset - totally flat sites can be so boring, while slopes allow for interesting changes of level.

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