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Перевод: astronomic speek astronomic

астрономический; очень большой


  1. "By the way," he continued as Evans fetched the coats from a cupboard, helped Morgan on with his black overcoat, "your running expenses here are astronomic.
  2. We must ensure that the T U C tr er, programme remains, otherwise the cost to our union funds will be astronomic.
  3. They cover everything from rats running about the roof to astronomic insurance charges; from a gale removing the whole roof to the discovery that there is a two-year waiting list for repairs.
  4. An astronomic figure, when you consider that sugar, for instance, provides, weight for weight, only about half that number of calories, and that potatoes contain only 25 calories an ounce.
  5. Logic would seem to point to car numbers never reaching the astronomic figures produced by the analysts.
  6. The Scottish Office still refused to pay this 3million despite the astronomic sums spent on the parallel A9 road.
  7. For with "grossing up" he is deemed to have given away both the gift and the tax on it so that his total giving reaches quickly to astronomic heights.
  8. Other flatworms have taken to the parasitic life and live unseen within the bodies of other animals, including man's, and in astronomic numbers.
  9. Furthermore, the figures involved are so astronomic as to be literally incomprehensible.

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