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Перевод: bifocal speek bifocal

двухфокусный; бифокальный


  1. In the March issue of RUNNING Magazine, Mr G. Bamtik, a budding triathlete from Kent, complained about sports manufacturers who seem blind to the needs of bifocal wearers.
  2. They are juxtaposed, but must be kept separate: the effect is closer to bifocal vision than a dual voice.
  3. The perception of depth is not entirely dependent on bifocal vision.
  4. The aphakic eye is unable to change its focus, so bifocal spectacles are required even for those with contact lenses.
  5. Special bifocal kinoforms have been made for implantation into the eye after the removal of cataracts.
  6. He was toying with the idea of bifocal spectacles on the eve of his appointment as Ambassador to France, and the future held a key role for him in the drafting of the American Constitution.
  7. She compares Bakhtin's definition of parody as divergent bifocal discourse based on the degree of presence and orientation of "voices" with Genette's more restricted definition of the term.
  8. being unable to judge distances when wearing bifocal lenses;
  9. The translation of bifocal vision to design upon a canvas was a major concern of Czanne.
  10. Many times during the past evening he had returned to her, in ludicrous, colourful, brightly painted effigy, all his embarrassments clustered and clanging round him, all his mannerisms protruding, projected, enhanced: the sharp red nose, the usually broken bifocal spectacles, the striped woolly lunch-spattered waistcoats, the bald shining brown freckled Professor Branestawm brow, the pockets full of string, the green socks and brown sandals, the little pedantries, the favourite quotations, the antiquarian commentary, the hydrometer, the tufts of hair in his ears, the batty, potty, dotty, hurt, persistent grin.
  11. If name badges are worn, nurses need to remember that people who wear bifocal spectacles have difficulty in reading at that level, and any cues regarding inadequate vision should be noted.

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