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Перевод: birthright speek birthright

право первородства; право по рождению


  1. Now Esau's birthright is truly Jacob's.
  2. And the willingness of the British aristocracy to yield place without a show of force is thrown into serious doubt by the calculated viciousness of Kind Hearts and Coronets (1949), as the disowned son of a noble line works murderously through the family tree in order to claim his birthright.
  3. God's intention is that everyone should enjoy the birthright of assurance.
  4. He hands Esau back his birthright, and soon he will make that clear in words, or, to be more precise, in a word.
  5. "Thus Esau despised his birthright" is how it ends.
  6. In 1984 Birthright had an income of 600,000, and very few people had heard of it.
  7. Birthright had funded its development in Britain, and this was its introduction at King's College Hospital.
  8. Diana's first visit in her new role was to open a new research centre at King's College Hospital, which dealt with the problems of high-risk babies; this had been funded by Birthright.
  9. On the contrary, sport was a characteristic, almost a birthright of Britons everywhere.
  10. Through her involvement, Birthright has leapt from being a fringe charity into a major one.
  11. Diana visiting the Birthright unit at St Mary's Hospital, London
  12. Birthright
  13. Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who, in the days of large families, had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister, Beatrice, on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her - birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive.

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