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Перевод: blather speek blather

болтовня ; вздор ;
болтать вздор; вякать


  1. Sometimes a single image says more about a time, a scene or a group than any amount of blather and jive ever can.
  2. How they can possibly find something to blather about that doesn't automatically conclude in a boudoir scenario is totally beyond me, but now, with the increasing popularity of those excellent gay bars, they find to fraternise with each other a great deal more, thus leaving Sam's coast a bit clearer.
  3. It's a little like describing the taste of wine; I could blather my way, of course, using adjectives like piquant, saucy or even rakish, but I shall deny myself any such tomfoolery and try another course.
  4. Most new MPs enter the Commons in their thirties and forties; there are fewer very young politicians, and - despite all the blather about the "party of enterprise" - fewer going into politics in their fifties, after a successful career elsewhere.
  5. Since the entire political strategy of his Democratic Leadership Council has been to persuade white folks that the Democratic Party no longer cares for "minorities" and will target no particular money in their direction, Clinton has been predictably low on concrete ideas, coming down from the hills after the battle to suffocate the wounded with great cushions of blather about how "we" have "refused to confront our differences" and "for this neglect we have all paid".
  6. Jahsaxa merely raised an inquiring eyebrow at his blather.
  7. Into warm, thick blather,
  8. But if he couldn't even get pissed in his own living room without all this blather it was hard to imagine him asking casually if I'd care to step upstairs for some kinky sex.

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