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Перевод: bluster speek bluster

рев бури; шум ; пустые угрозы; угрозы ; хвастовство;
бушевать; реветь; шуметь; грозиться; хвастаться


  1. The bluster of the tear-stained pop stars simply buffeted, pushed away the possibility that the lyric ought to have contained certain small truths such as "WE ARE THE SICK ONES, WE IN THE WEST".
  2. Clayton's film cleared the way for a cycle of films with proletarian heroes who, for all their bluster, see their dreams shrivel in melancholy and their little rebellions crash to the ground.
  3. In winter, when the storms bluster in from the Mediterranean and the valleys glow green, the cloud comes down and Beaufort simply disappears.
  4. The divisions are certainly latent, but the very manner in which, especially since President Muawad's assassination, Syria has been trying to enforce the peace plan - with such haste, threats and bluster - tends to blunt rather than sharpen them.
  5. Bluster about morning hate and advice to go back to Adolph got a maddeningly cool reply.
  6. Hip Hop's bluster and brutalism makes sense in this context.
  7. Now this may sound like fatuous bluster but suspicion of businessmen ought to be understandable in an era of commerce made squalid by stock-market muggings on a grand scale.
  8. For the final countdown, however, it was only proper to dispatch young Paxman to South Wales, to put Walden back in his ferret-cage, to give Dimbleby some swingometers to play with, and to entrust the real bluster, the real cut and thrust, to the greatest pro of them all, Sir Robin.
  9. He tried to bluster.
  10. Some of the regulators see Jardines' bluster as a tactic to secure room for manoeuvre in the run-up to 1997, when Hong Kong reverts to China.
  11. However, despite the bluster, the Provisional Government - in the midst of a World War - was unable to sustain a serious punitive expedition.
  12. The guard of honour, the 21-gun salute, and the reception party overawed Khrushchev, bringing with him an inferiority complex towards the West which was often the cause of his bluster.
  13. For all their bluster about foreign conspiracy, the foreigners who worry them most live not in the United States or Western Europe but in Hungary, Poland and the Soviet Union.

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