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Перевод: braided



  1. Toby Farrar wore the braided tunic of a Hussar, and even had a jaunty helmet perched on his head.
  2. Later vehicles have a braided earth lead running to the body a few inches from the motor.
  3. Braided line is generally of less cross-sectional area than its equivalent in twist for the same breaking strain.
  4. Elizabeth's wedding dress was vivid rose-pink velvet, the sleeves braided in scarlet and lined with ermine, over a quilted silver brocade undergown.
  5. Soon two more dhmis emerge from the shrine with their bells, and their heads bare and shaved bald except for their waist-length black tufts, braided at points with silver bands - gifts to the gods from their devotees.
  6. All it is is a half-inch to three-inch length of supple nylon or braided terylene (the hair) attached to the bend or eye of a strong hook.
  7. Peg tried to keep her hair tightly braided, but the moment it was done Anna would shake it free.
  8. Only rarely do they arise with braided line, or in the sophisticated Kevlar or Spectra twist.
  9. In cultures the world over, women (and in many cultures, men too) have made their skin silky by bathing in oils, scented themselves with delicious perfumes, draped themselves in satin, velvet, silk and feathers, braided, brushed or oiled their hair, painted their lips and darkened their eyes and weighted themselves with gold and silver, or heavy ornaments.
  10. A Shamen show is designed so you don't just stand and stare at the band: and though the live act might be the heart of the show, the spectacle of Colin (cropped Aberdeen curls, Trotsky shades), and Will (shoulder length braided locks, shabby green fatigues) is only part of an evening of light, music and effects that now involves around ten people.
  11. Attached to the bottom of the betalite, which is encased in a plastic tube for protection, is a length of braided terylene tied at the other end to my back rod-rest, so that when I strike the indicator pulls off and drops to the ground.
  12. Braided river deposits showing high energy environment leading to bone breakage and many sand bars and gravel lenses where bones may become deposited.
  13. Assuming that you have acquired some braided nylon line and a suitable handle, we are now ready for flight provided there is enough wind and the direction is favourable for wherever we intend to fly.

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