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Перевод: brawny speek brawny

мускулистый; сильный


  1. North's principal emissary between the White House and the contras was a brawny and cherubic graduate from Stanford, Robert Owen.
  2. The shabby ghosts of the Forster coterie waft out once more to pool their romantic gossip; Forster himself shuffles forward to complain that Joe's doings with one brawny menial have so put him off the lower classes that he has been obliged to travel first rather than third-class on a railway journey, and once again the air is full of that peculiarly spiritless twitter about guardsmen, homosexual tea parties and cure for pubic lice.
  3. Superficially it might have appeared as though two brawny giants, immobilised but for the sway of their torsos, were about to jab and slash at one another, piercing and flaying till the vampire bat device decided that sufficient flesh had been sliced, that sufficient blood had coagulated in slim cinnabar threads.
  4. Again, as we launch into the second movement andante (lots of energy, a real spirit of dance in the ostinato is a mite tasteful, discreet rather than craggily elemental; so, to a point, is the brawny bass line which spurs us on to stratospheric violins and shining trumpets, though true to form Peek is wonderfully atmospheric, nurturing and distilling the moments of quiet contemplation just prior to the coda.
  5. He's a brawny Highland lad from one of the nearby villages, one of Andy's drinking partners.
  6. True, if understood to relate to candidates as persons: my third preference for Brawny can never count against my first preference for Beefy.
  7. Topaz had pictured her as tall and brawny as befitted a martinet.
  8. His own brawny, Mancunian accent was obviously akin to The Chameleons' Mark Burgess, and combined with the haunting guitar riffs of Gedge's early songs, it all became very uncanny.
  9. Brawny chap, isn't he?"
  10. It may have been the sight of him bowling "from the asylum end", but the brawny de Kretser took 6 for 14 and masterminded a four-wicket win for the Ceylonese XI.
  11. Even now that he was so brawny with musculature, rooted over ceramically reinforced bones, Lexandro remained personable.
  12. The smith and his sister, equally brawny, set their apprentice sweating at the bellows of the forge, to repair weapons, ship's fittings, armour.
  13. Most of the buyers are women - so is the auctioneer, a brawny, competent, good-humoured young woman with a Levantine cast of countenance and a thick Midi accent - who will re-sell them locally this very evening; any minute now the housewives of Martigues and Lavra and round about will be turning them into la soupe or la friture for the evening meal.

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