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Перевод: businesslike speek businesslike

деловой; практичный; деловитый


  1. It was so much more businesslike to spread out needlework or write letters sitting at a table.
  2. He was exceedingly businesslike and exuded confidence.
  3. Receptive to the idea of "doing something" about North Sea oil and its likely consequences for Orkney, of coping with the practical problems of planning applications, of conducting the old County Council and the new Orkney Islands Council along businesslike lines, and conscious of the growing body of government planning legislation , they accepted the idea of planned zones.
  4. The postwar years saw recurrent crises, and resolutions to be more businesslike and to cut losses.
  5. You know you would, and so would I. The Spider in the poem however, is not my Silken Self, but an altogether more Savage and businesslike sister.
  6. I expected slippers but he was more spruce than that and clearly businesslike in the way he ran this family hotel.
  7. We got all the relevant information, but it was delivered in a businesslike manner.
  8. So it was, I assume, that he felt immediately able to talk to me in a businesslike and trusting way, and by the end of our meeting, he had left me with the administration of a not inconsiderable sum to meet the costs of a wide range of preparations for his coming residency.
  9. The telephone, therefore, saves time and gives you the opportunity to be more businesslike, if that is appropriate.
  10. Be businesslike about it.
  11. Important differences with Washington remained, "but it is important that a different, more businesslike and reasonable approach has appeared.
  12. Kelly nodded with a brisk, businesslike "How do you do, sir."
  13. Above about 17,000 rpm the horrible banshee wail is replaced by a more businesslike roar accompanied by a pungent, pulse-stimulating smell of burnt kerosene through the air-conditioning, while the nose-wheel strut compresses under the effect of 1,760 pounds of thrust.

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