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Перевод: candelabrum speek candelabrum

канделябр ; подсвечник


  1. She set the candelabrum and the tray down on one of the tables, removing his greatcoat and placing it carefully over the back of a chair so that she might lay out a cloth and utensils.
  2. Of Dorothy's candelabrum
  3. In Jewish tradition the candelabrum tree, which is five metres tall, has seven branches, and is inscribed with events from both the old and New Testaments.
  4. A stout woman entered, bearing a candelabrum and a tray, and on her plump face, under the nightcap that concealed the rags curling her hair, was an expression of the gravest displeasure.
  5. Back in the main body of the Duomo, after crossing the apse one of the building's great works will be found in the left (north) transept, the Trivulzio candelabrum.
  6. In the crypt is a simple chapel, the stone altar was the gift of the Netherlands Air Force, the black granite font the Norwegians, the candelabrum came from the Belgian Air Force.
  7. On it lay the remnants of bandages, the scissors and a tin of basilicum powder, lit by another candelabrum.
  8. He seized the candelabrum, and, lifting it high, moved towards the pale face.
  9. Tugging her away from the door, Mr Beckenham pulled her close, holding the candelabrum high.
  10. She sat, leaning her cheek on her hand, gazing down at the dog, her flaming hair falling untidily down her back, and over her shoulders, and glistening in the light from the candelabrum on the mantel and the glow of the fire.
  11. The place of this ceremony has also disappeared, but a contemporary record describes a fine, high-ceilinged, large-windowed room, hung with candle sconces and more than one crystal candelabrum.

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