Перевод: catalog
[существительное] каталог ; справочник ; проспект ; прейскурант ; список ; реестр ; программа ; учебный план; [глагол] каталогизировать; вносить в каталог; перечислять; регистрировать
- dBase IV's Control Center summarizes all the facilities available in a "catalog" - a particular group of files
- The Service Center Catalog is available from the General Board of Global Ministries, 78720 Reading Road, Caller no 1800, Cincinnati, Ohio 45222-;1800, USA.
- We also know how to identify what users need; develop often complex systems to index, abstract, catalog, and organize all types of information; disseminate information by packing it in ways appropriate for users, providing the critical role of sifting through vast quantities to identify what is pertinent and what is not; and to work with a wide range of other professionals for the most effective use of information.
- a) It seems to us that for you to incorporate the Data (and I am presuming it is only the Data and not the Search Software) into your On-line Public Access Catalog system is going beyond the research use for which this special release of OALD 3/e Electronic was intended.
- National Union Catalog
- We can easily imagine devices by which a public memory could within modest limits reorganize itself on demand; a catalog, or some analogous instrument, could be devised that would on request display its contents in several different arrangements.
- Whenever this can be done better, more quickly, or cheaply by a picture than a book, the picture is entitled to a place on the shelves and in the catalog.
- The Library of Congress Catalog and printed card service, and the weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and subsequent cumulations of British National Bibliography, plus its own printed card service, derive from this data base, and it is hoped to begin experiments towards the provision of a similar computer store of catalogue data on audio-visual materials in due course from which all manner of useful selected print-outs can be derived.
- Approximately 5 105 plaques of a human fetal brain ZAP II cDNA library (Stratagene; Catalog Nr.936206) were transferred in duplicates to Plaquescreen Filters (DuPont) and then screened with a randomly primed mixture of 5 106 cpm of radiolabelled POU domain DNA fragments of the oct-2 cDNA (pos. 586-;1077) and the oct-6 cDNA (pos. 706-;1232; generously provided by Dr. Hans Schler, Heidelberg) according to standard procedures described in detail in chapter 6.3 in 16.
- But the possible alternate arrangements must be unambiguously specified by the human constructor of the catalog when it is put together, and thereafter it cannot, without further human intervention, other than mechanically go through its limited variety of tricks.
- The 1991-;1992 Service Center Catalog has been published by the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church in the USA.
- As Hafter states, The major conclusion that emerges from these studies is that the card catalog works.
- Lipetz explains the position as follows, The modification or expansion of catalog entries in the existing catalog apparently has the least potential of all three possible approaches to improvement of catalog service (i.e. coverage, user education and modification).
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