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Перевод: ceremonious speek ceremonious

церемонный; чопорный; манерный; церемониальный


  1. "I am the prior of Shrewsbury," said Robert with ceremonious dignity, but was only briefly regarded.
  2. She picked up her handbag, and he rose from behind his desk to take a relieved and ceremonious farewell.
  3. It was certainly as ceremonious in its way as Canon Wheeler's dinner party the previous night but no one was drunk, no one on edge, no one competed with another.
  4. When Molly Gibson in Wives and Daughters (1866) has been to visit the Towers, her father declares that he had expected to find her so "polite and ceremonious" that he read a few chapters of Sir Charles Grandison in order to bring himself up to concert pitch.
  5. It was essential that this be done, since the pattern reflected the realities of political life, which combined the ceremonious role of the monarch in the Great Hall, personal contact with the general run of visitors in the Presence Chamber, and the conduct of confidential business in the Privy Chamber and the Bedchamber.
  6. In mid-afternoon, he hove to, dropped anchor and took Mary the few hundred yards to the sports field, basking a little in their ceremonious passage - the work and self-forgetfulness of the day brought out every best quality in her and yet, paradoxically, although at the pitch of her beauty, she herself was more unaware of it than at any other time.
  7. Nevertheless, the schools remained conscious of their semi-independent-past, of the closeness of their cultural alliance with the Public Schools, and (in consequence) attentive to traditional and ceremonious standards and to the preservation of an austerely academic curriculum.
  8. They were both of them talking in these high and ceremonious terms, Cadfael suspected, in order to smooth away the first sore moments, and give Sub-Prior Herluin time to master his chagrin, and achieve a graceful retreat.
  9. They danced in ceremonious greeting.
  10. These are haunting and elegiac poems, in which expressions of sorrow and loss are given ceremonious form.
  11. Chapel and Sunday-school were to me cruel ceremonious punishments for the freedom of Monday to Saturday.
  12. The geography of fifteenth-century palaces had been relatively simple: there was a Great Hall, where ceremonious and public appearances were made, and the Chamber where the King withdrew and where only a few could follow him.
  13. Not the most ceremonious release

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