Перевод: chairmanship
[существительное] обязанности председателя
- Although law reform was at hand, the government found it politic in 1977 to set up a Home Office Committee on Obscenity, Indecency, Violence and Film Censorship under the Chairmanship of the Cambridge Professor of Philosophy, Bernard Williams.
- Denis Healey himself, a long-established whipping boy, now became almost popular, with his chairmanship of the International Monetary Fund inner steering committee making him a figure of greater eminence.
- The Commission was set up in December 1977 at the World Bank's instigation, under the chairmanship of Willy Brandt, former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of West Germany.
- But others - the chairmanship of the Arts Council, deputy chairmanship of the BBC, or leadership of the Broadcasting Standards Council - involved real work and real responsibilities.
- In 1968, to restore public confidence in the so-called finance houses, banks and other money-lending agencies, a Committee of Enquiry was appointed under the chairmanship of Lord Crowther who had been Governor of the Bank of England.
- At the conference a successful effort had been made to invite informed opinion not only from the educational community but from many interest groups within Nigeria, an initiative which met with a splendid response and which led, with the help of some skilful chairmanship and competent editing to the production of a useful and sensible working document.
- Under the chairmanship of Sir Peter Parker the concept of the commercial railway and the social railway was developed at the end of the 1970s and the start of the 1980s.
- The working party on electoral systems which we established in opposition under the distinguished chairmanship of Professor Raymond Plant will continue its work with an extended membership and enhanced authority and report to the next Labour government.
- A Fish Association was duly set up under the chairmanship of the Duke of Kent.
- Under the chairmanship of Juan Trippe PAA had rapidly increased its position in the 1930s, enjoying a monopoly on US flights across the Pacific to Japan and China, into Latin America, and over to Britain.
- The health of children in care was found by the House of Commons Social Services Committee under the chairmanship of Rene Short, MP, to be receiving minimal attention.
- In accordance with a Supreme Court ruling that returned powers of censoring pornographic films to local communities, the town of Clarkstown, New York, established a nine-member "obscenity committee" under the chairmanship of Harry Snyder.
- By 23 votes to six, the Academy decided that the changes in spelling rules - proposed by a working party of the government-appointed Conseil Suprieur de la Langue Franaise under the chairmanship of the Academy's own permanent secretary - should not be enforced in any way (not even through school circulars or inclusion in new dictionaries), but should be made subject to the "test of time".
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