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Перевод: chaste speek chaste

целомудренный; девственный; строгий; чистый; простой


  1. I had borrowed ten quid from Joe - later repaid, and the only interest he demanded was a chaste kiss in front of the BBC in Langham Place.
  2. Waited for some kind of sign, a handclasp, a chaste kiss on the cheek, some sign that Lucy knew the meaning of this time and space.
  3. Whereas standards of ethical behaviour for men were essentially active, a woman was obliged above all to remain chaste.
  4. A woman's chastity is considered as her highest virtue and all Hindu traditional literature extols the greatness of a chaste woman.
  5. Anatole France, more effusive, likened it to a woman who "is so beautiful, so proud, so modest, so tough, so touching, so voluptuous, so chaste, so noble, so familiar, so crazy, and so good that one loves her with all one's soul, and one is never tempted to be unfaithful to her."
  6. Different again is the dancing of the bedouin soldiers, at once chaste and erotic - "chaste because it takes place among men, mostly holding one another by the elbow or the forefinger erotic because it takes place between men, and because it's performed before the ladies.
  7. After one such visit she insisted on a chaste goodbye kiss.
  8. A woman can be at once lovely and loathsome, chaste and lecherous, Sacred Bride and Queen of Hell.
  9. In The Rape of Lucrece Tarquin, unable to restrain his lust, and as it were possessed by the spirit of the boar, violates the chaste Lucrece, a devotee of the goddess in her virgin mode as Diana.
  10. The message is apparently contained in a 220-page apostolic exhortation to the clergy, most of which is uncontentious: priests must be ascetic and chaste as well as celibate, taking a keen and benevolent interest in the poor and in sinners, who are the poor in spirit.
  11. Morrissey is always taking off his shirt but he is also proudly and publicly chaste.
  12. Starting from the simplest and most chaste of forms, rooted in a combination of pioneering vernacular and colonial buildings, the American station swiftly moved on to a riot of revivalist and hybrid styles in a complex process of architectural grafting which mirrored the increasingly diverse origins of its immigrant population.
  13. Judi accepted the hooligan's chaste cheek-touch of a kiss.

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