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Перевод: circulating

обращающийся; переходящий


  1. Douglas' only reference is: "There are also local newspapers circulating which will focus more tightly on issues of direct relevance".
  2. Therefore the platelet-aggregate ratio would be low in the presence of circulating platelet aggregates.
  3. However, party guidelines circulating in East Berlin forbade any attacks on the socialist state or the leading role of the Communist Party.
  4. His next move should be equivocal, so he acknowledged that dark rumours were circulating about the MOI.
  5. The tradition of the words of the Lord was largely oral, and even after the canonical gospels were freely circulating, second-century citations of Jesus' teaching often suggest oral rather than written transmission.
  6. Meanwhile, a famous singer, much loved in the film world, who had kissed Dubcek, found a paste-up photograph of her and the former leader circulating around Prague.
  7. A story was circulating around school that Frankie's mother had been very ill and one of his aunts was responsible for him having nits in his head and a dirty body, torn pumps, bitten nails and no dinner money.
  8. Kermode sees this change - which is at the heart of what I am writing about - as having radical implications for letters, comparable to such things as the advent, first of printing and then of cheap paper; the bourgeoisie's greater leisure for private reading; and the abandonment by circulating libraries of the three-volume novel, which had been the favoured vehicle for fiction during much of the nineteenth century: Kermode exaggerates a little, I think; nothing in the establishment of university English is as important as the innovations in culture and technology which established the book in its modern form.
  9. By early 1989, a consultation draft Supplement to DB32 was circulating among local authorities.
  10. Enough statistics have been circulating about this venture to sink the Titanic .
  11. After death, a machine called a ventilator keeps the blood circulating until the organs are removed.
  12. This may well be the most effective answer to the problem of low-interest categories, and it is perhaps surprising that so few library authorities operate circulating collections - even given the administrative problems involved.
  13. Sadly, with syphilis, the measurable increases in the blood levels of circulating antibodies do not reflect any useful level of protection against repeated infection.

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