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Перевод: communicate speek communicate

сообщать; сообщить; передавать; сноситься; снестись; сообщаться; быть смежным; причащать; причащаться; приобщаться [церк.]


  1. If your child does something you would like her to continue doing - for example, talking to you, asking questions, pointing things out to you, smiling and generally communicating with you - and you take notice, smile, communicate or praise her, she will continue to do it.
  2. In so far as Hartman's book wants to be read as a form of fiction, one can make the adverse literary-critical point that the prose is dense and cloyingly arch, with a crooning, caressing quality about it, suggesting the tone of a man talking quietly and earnestly to himself rather than trying to communicate anything to others.
  3. Patients may find it difficult to come to terms with which of their friends, co-workers and employers did, or did not, communicate with them during hospitalisation.
  4. They may be dazed and talk as if delirious, incoherent, stupid, forgetful; worse () for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort.
  5. In spite of all the technological developments land sophistication and speed of modern communication, the point of a campaign roadshow is the same as it was in the days of the whistle-stop tour when politicians addressed voters from the backs of trains: to communicate with the maximum number of people in the short time available.
  6. The Creator's computer: but how could a person communicate with a computer?
  7. With me the choirs never use music, which has the double effect: their eyes are not fixed on the page in front of them and they can communicate directly with me.
  8. Parents and children stretch out flailing arms towards each other in fumbling efforts to communicate.
  9. The nurse should therefore attempt to communicate only the information necessary for the patient to manage say, the next 24 hours.
  10. He will communicate to the council the decisions of government departments.
  11. how does the individual usually communicate?
  12. One good thing is that we communicate with each other.
  13. "We see them communicating easily with one another, trying to communicate with us, solving problems, reasoning enjoying a joke."

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