Перевод: connection
[существительное] связь ; соединение; сочленение; присоединение; средство связи; средство сообщения; согласованность расписания; связи ; знакомства ; родственник ; свойственник ; родство; св`ойство; клиентура ; покупатели ; половая связь
- In some of the older parts of the Bible, particularly in those concerning the earlier prophets, the moon is frequently mentioned in connection with the Sabbath, which commemorated the seventh day, of creation, when the Lord rested from his labours.
- From tomorrow's team he is the only player who has a connection with the county's almost-defunct mining industry.
- Tourist backpackers chattering in high tones; theatre-/supper-goers gazing nervously at the cluster of dishevelled, ruby-faced lads who wave their cans and bawl out the rallying cry of "'Ere we go, "ere we go!" at alarming volume; a comatose figure lying on the bucket seats and crying out an important but indecipherable message about some quite obvious connection betwixt Jesus and Aids; in the corner a girl with dishevelled hair and a soiled James Dean T-shirt sprawled on the concrete and a man with bloodied chin mouthing profanities as he urinates against the wall.
- According to Keith Joseph, then, the word "science, is misused in connection with studies of society itself, and his view is widely shared.
- What to do - of anything - about the Italian Connection is a problem that has long perplexed the top administrators: some see it as a cancer at the heart of rugby; others as a storm in a teacup of no consequence to what they see as larger and more insidious threat to amateurism in England and the rest of the "Big Eight".
- A police spokesman said nobody else was being sought in connection with the incident in Chelmsford prison but said inquiries were continuing.
- Yet there is something of a mystery in this connection.
- If it was sad that in England in 1963 his form finally drifted away, he did at least give his last fine Test innings, an unbeaten 74, to the Manchester crowd, a happy choice of venue in view of his connection with Radcliffe and the university.
- Connection?,
- Eliot changed "May midnight", (recalling Gerontion's "depraved May" and ceremonies of spring) to "summer midnight", maintaining a primitive connection with "Midsummer Fires", ceremonies copiously described by Frazer, while looking back, too, to the Hollow Men's circular dance.
- Originally, these were developed in connection with university extension courses in the late-nineteenth century and established the tradition of summer meetings for study at Oxford, Cambridge and at other universities.
- Police were questioning a 30-year-old man in connection with the murder of Elizabeth Page-Alucard, 41, the counsellor who was found dead on Saturday at a drugs advisory centre in Worcester.
- If you have, for example, never been a telephone subscriber before (that is, even if you have had communal use of a telephone but it was not in your name) you will have to pay a new subscriber charge plus a connection charge.
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