c ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch ci ck cl cm cn co cp cr cs ct cu cw cy cz

Перевод: council speek council

совет ; совещание; консилиум ; церковный собор; синедрион


  1. Committee and Council chairmanship and in his chairmanship of the university committees, culminating in his Vice-Chancellorship.
  2. The council of research ministers of the European Communities (EC) last week approved the structure and the proposed ECU13.1 billion (US15.8 billion) budget for the EC's fourth framework programme, which will fund research from 1994 to 1998.
  3. Vyshinsky made what Bevin described as "an interminable speech" in which he quoted extensively from the agreements reached at Potsdam and stated that under the Potsdam terms the Council of Foreign Ministers and not the FEC was the relevant body for negotiating a peace treaty.
  4. Babergh District Council also stipulated the gates should be replaced with something similar, a condition which was never met.
  5. The Privy Council is then found referring to arbitration a dispute between two foreigners, hearing the submission and apology of a merchant for speaking offensively about the Queen, instructing sheriffs to send up a note of the number of prisoners in their gaols, ordering mayors of seaports to prepare private ships to serve in the navy against the expected Spanish invasion, telling its agents at the Hague to arrange for the purchase of matches for guns, sending off various warrants, organizing the acquisition of copper for the Queen's service, delegating the decision in a legal action to the J.P.s of Bedfordshire, permitting the taking of a collection on behalf of a Cornish village despoiled by Spaniards, and writing to the Lord Mayor of London about a complaint against his predecessor.
  6. The Nazarean Party must not therefore be seen as a separate unit, but rather as a nucleus - the equivalent of a general staff, a privy council or a cabinet.
  7. The council, which includes Huddersfield and Dewsbury, is making five departmental directors and the assistant chief executive redundant.
  8. Home was Croydon, where she lived with her divorced mother in a council flat, supported by social security, supplemented occasionally by haphazard maintenance payments from her father, who was in the Merchant Navy and had not been seen since Val was five.
  9. Calvin left Geneva and only returned to lead the city when the city council asked him to return.
  10. Swings of up to 30% to Labour in the year since the county council contests were recorded in several local government by-elections, with the party registering a number of victories in the hitherto barren ground of rural South and East.
  11. Deadly serious, we assured him, relating tales of unfair dismissals from council jobs for breaking codes of conduct by saying "Dear" or "Lovey".
  12. In line with the programmes produced in the late 1970s, a brief contextual statement would be followed by a closer definition of the objectives to be pursued in the economic, social, environmental and housing areas, and the role to be played by various statutory authorities and the voluntary sector (Birmingham City Council, 1987b; Newcastle City Council, 1987).
  13. Thereafter, it received support not only from government grants, but also from the youthful Oxfordshire County Council.

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