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Перевод: crake speek crake

коростель [зоол.] ; дергач [зоол.]


  1. A vagrant from America, very like Spotted Crake, but with white under tail coverts and in adults (not immatures) a black face patch.
  2. The smallest crake of the region, very rare in N Africa, streaked above, but differing from both Baillon's and Little Crake in its paler flanks and rufous under tail coverts.
  3. STRIPED CRAKE Porzana marginalis.
  4. Both sexes differ from male Little Crake in having rufous upperparts, white streaks on wing coverts, flanks barred, bill all green and legs greyish-pink.
  5. LITTLE CRAKE - Porzana parva
  6. Voice perhaps similar to Little Crake, with which it has been thoroughly confused.
  7. BAILLON'S CRAKE Porzana pusilla.
  8. SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana.
  9. BAILLON'S CRAKE - Porzana pusilla
  10. LITTLE CRAKE Porzana parva.
  11. SPOTTED CRAKE - Porzana porzana
  12. Male differs from both sexes of Baillon's Crake in its olive-brown upperparts, unstreaked wing coverts, unbarred flanks.

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