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Перевод: cringe speek cringe

раболепствовать; низкопоклонничать; проявлять раболепный страх; съеживаться


  1. It may cringe away, or if cornered might bare its teeth unexpectedly.
  2. Brave though he is in facing adult audiences, the result is a bit of a cringe.
  3. Their bleedings and leakages, their lumps and growths, their peculiarly painful-sounding surgical operations - scraping of wombs, stripping of veins, amputation of breasts - the mere mention of such things makes him wince and cringe, and lately the menopause has added new items to the repertory: the hot flush, flooding, and something sinister called a bloat.
  4. They can't bear that, the Anglos, they'll cringe and shiver and swallow whatever you tell them.
  5. It seems odd that a man with so much of a reputation for sexual encounters should cringe from public contact, but it was all part of his reserve.
  6. But they cringe at the idea that someone else may benefit at their expense.
  7. At the end of the long road Reynolds' was the first house they had to pass and they started to cringe into themselves behind Moran even before they got to the little hedge of privet above the whitewashed stones.
  8. The Farm's efforts merely cringe sullenly in their cages like musical battery fowl, but it's the lyrics that actually sink this tugboat Titanic in the end.
  9. It made Patrick cringe of course, but the inevitable comparison with his brother was high on the agenda when, clutching his share of the 45,000 winners' cheque and 15,000 for finishing eighth in the Nabisco points table, he walked into the interview room.
  10. Which make you cringe slightly, or shift about in your seat?
  11. Sixth, the leadership demonstrated abysmal judgment, evinced by the distasteful triumphalism in Sheffield, which made many supporters cringe, and waverers recoil.
  12. It makes me cringe when I think how stupid I was.
  13. It was that inner voice that made me cringe as I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress listening to the pogoing of the bedstead against the wall next door, where my co-tenants were pursuing their nightly quest for the elusive grail of Trish's orgasm.

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