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Перевод: cuirass speek cuirass

кираса ; панцирь


  1. A spearman tried to bring him down with a lance thrust under the cuirass whilst another took a swing with a sword at the joints in the greaves on his legs.
  2. The Chaplain thumped his pus-yellow, azure-chevroned cuirass with his one remaining organic fist.
  3. Another and very peculiar sacral garment was the cuirass.
  4. As Lexandro donned a cuirass and strapped greaves to his shanks, he wondered whether their soon-to-be opponents were genuinely members of some feral tribe transported here for purposes such as this?
  5. There stood Balboa, his shield on his arm, his cuirass gleaming on his chest, the brilliant new banner in one hand and his naked sword in the other, his plumed helmet giving him a stature far more considerable than offered by his height alone.
  6. In some forms, the whole of the head and body was encased in a cuirass of bony plates.
  7. The general's cuirass appears as a support beside his left leg.
  8. Early condoms, intended to protect against disease, originally made of animal membranes and described by Johnson as a "cuirass against pleasure and a cobweb against infection" were not really suitable.
  9. They appreciated realism and developed a style of figure sculpture clothed in the toga and also in the cuirass, which is effective and particularly Roman.
  10. Instead, Napoleone Lomellini stood there, no longer furred and beringed, in a helm and cuirass dented and dull in the moonlight.

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