d da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dr ds dt du dw dx dy dz

Перевод: Dept.

ведомство; департамент ; министерство; отдел ; управление


  1. Marx, in his schemas, assumed an organic composition of capital of or , and also that Dept.
  2. For your free copy please send a stamped addressed label to Valerie Wenham, Adviser on Facilities for Disabled Visitors, Dept.
  3. However - and here we come to the point that Bukharin was attempting to make - a growth in production by Dept.
  4. I of part of the constant capital normally allocated to Dept.
  5. Possibly worth a phone call from you (Dept 0101514 - 3984143 Home 933 9306).
  6. In the above I have assumed that we are dealing only in values, and that we are not considering how prices of production, average rate of profit, etc., are formed by the introduction of "Dept.
  7. I produces all means of production and Dept.
  8. The result of this examination indicates that it would be possible for Depts I and II to decrease their respective production by approximately 3.3 per cent, and providing Dept.
  9. That is, of course, unless one assumes a big leap in productivity in Dept.
  10. It can now be seen that the sum of constant capital used up in the two departments during the production cycle is less than the total means of production produced by Dept.
  11. This is because the capitalists and workers of Dept.
  12. As before, Dept.
  13. Two other leaflets are available from Dept.

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