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Перевод: deanery speek deanery

деканство; деканат ; дом декана; дом настоятеля; церковный округ


  1. Leaving the Royal Palace you can see, next to the Cloister of St George, the New Deanery, built in a rather bleak neo-Gothic by Josef Mocker in 1879.
  2. "The ideal introduction to discussion and debate at parish, deanery and synod level.
  3. questions - you will find lots of these at the end of each section: they are included mainly to stimulate your own reflections as you read, but they could also be drawn on when group discussion - at a meeting in a parish or deanery or diocesan synod - is being planned
  4. Mary Sloan C.P., matron (centre) and Mrs Mary Wright, Appeals Co-ordinator (left), accepted a cheque from Mrs Enid Dowling of the East Leeds Deanery Committee for 6,053.56.
  5. As you leave the cathedral you pass on your left the former Old Deanery, rebuilt in 1662.
  6. Deanery discusses the baptismal programme
  7. Opposite, the Deanery.
  8. suggestions for the best way to set up discussions in your parish or deanery
  9. Elizabeth Wills reported first on the local Mothers' Union, now in abeyance, and then on the Scramblers group and deanery synod matters, while the final report came from Doris Martin on flower arrangements.
  10. He stayed at the deanery and talked far into the night about the needs of Durham and its diocese.
  11. It poked its front door out into the green as though to challenge an equality with the deanery opposite.
  12. It will make the ideal introduction to discussion and debate at parish, deanery and synod level.
  13. One detects a certain apathy towards the whole business of synodical government, and parishes find it difficult to fill the vacancies allotted to them on the Deanery Synods.

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