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Перевод: deathbed speek deathbed

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  1. With a gesture to the conventions of deathbed narratives, Landry reads Freemantle's account as if it were a twentieth century novel.
  2. The evening takes wing in the touching performances of Michael Maloney and Saskia Reeves as her betrayal eventually leads to a fine deathbed reconciliation scene.
  3. He is buried in the churchyard, and Thomas Hardy and Mr Gosse visited the Dorset poet on his deathbed in the rectory in 1886.
  4. Rumour was rife in 1588 and this was the time, armed with the deathbed testimony of Mrs Barnes, and the cutting taken from the drapes of Littlecote (incidentally, the cutting was found to fit the curtains which were sold many years later as a memento to an American), that the lawyers, probably headed by Anthony Brooks, tried to charge Darrel in court.
  5. If we are to take this speech as accurate reportage within the conventions of deathbed narratives, is there not something a little remarkable in Leapor's assuring her friend and patron that she has always loved her father, though never so much as now, when she is dying?
  6. On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father's advancing age.
  7. Men were appalled by the sudden onset, which allowed no time for the deathbed repentance so dear to the hearts of pious Victorians.
  8. The Author has staggered from the deathbed, so is it time for critical analysis to pay attention to real people's lived lives, their traceable, material existences?
  9. When Greenaway puts his formalism on a back-burner, and calls upon his actors to produce raw feeling - as with Helen Mirren's speech on the deathbed of her lover - there is nothing but empty pathos, artificiality in its weak form.
  10. In 437 one of the last pagan aristocrats allowed himself to be converted on his deathbed by his conspicuously pious niece, perhaps from fear of less gentle pressure from the emperor.
  11. While it's true that nobody does any work in The Possessed except delivering babies, and true also that Stepan Verkhovensky flowers into a veritable presiding genius of sloth in the guise of footling bustle, nevertheless the reader's heart is not with Mrs Stavrogin, Stepan's patroness, when she hisses at him on his deathbed "you futile, futile, ignoble, chickenhearted, always, always futile man".
  12. The Gramophone Company's record-producer Fred Gaisberg had the idea of carrying out a recording session "supervised" by Sir Edward Elgar, then lying upon his deathbed in Worcestershire.
  13. The Bill took four years to get through Parliament, during which time Owen was subjected to abuse by those who opposed it, and on his deathbed in 1858, a clergyman who came (needlessly) to offer him the consolations of religion asked him if he regretted having wasted his life in fruitless efforts!

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