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Перевод: decisively

окончательно; убедительно


  1. She set aside her cloak, kilted up her long red skirts and drew her eating knife decisively.
  2. "I should like to marry Tory when I grow up," he told Marie decisively during a rainy afternoon which drove the children in to the chilly shelter of the Aberknowe kitchen.
  3. If the attempt was made and failed, the organisation would be discredited and no longer able to intervene decisively in Ulster affairs.
  4. The stressful tension must be dealt with firmly and decisively.
  5. We built more hospitals and moved decisively away from the terrible stop-go years of the 1970s when capital budgets were slashed.
  6. "No," he says decisively.
  7. In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one "which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance".
  8. You don't stand up straight, look people in the eye, shake hands firmly or leave decisively when it's time to go.
  9. On a more serious note, Rowell was a very impressive coach, demanding on the training field, decisively analytical off it - yet not afraid to speak out over indignities such as the Ubogu affair.
  10. "Neither," he answered decisively.
  11. His shoulders were carried with her regal bearing and his mouth, otherwise loose and sensual, had her decisively chiselled upper lip.
  12. Twice the Devil has been decisively defeated by God, but his strategies remain the same.
  13. Alaska has rarely decisively elected any mainstream candidate.

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