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Перевод: decoction speek decoction

вываривание; отваривание; отвар ; лечебный отвар; декокт


  1. A simple method of improving easily-broken nails is to immerse the fingertips in a decoction made by simmering 50g/2oz of the dry herb in 900ml/1 pints/3 cups of water for 20 minutes.
  2. In his Herball of 1597 John Gerard drew attention to the use of distilled water of roses for strengthening the "heart, liver, kidnies and other weak entrails", while Nicholas Culpeper advised a "decoction of Red Roses made with Wine" for "the Headach and pains in the Eyes, Ears, Throat and Gums" ( The English Physitian Enlarged , 1652).
  3. fresh leaf, whole plant fresh or dried, dried root; fresh leaves help digestion, decoction of the roots to stop bleeding.
  4. to prevent dandruff, and to tone the skin and improve the circulation, using leaves in infusion or decoction; use juice to encourage hair growth
  5. a decoction of the leaves for eye strain; infusion of the leaves for inflamed eyelids, as part of a facepack to smooth and soften skin
  6. Until just before the First World War, a strong decoction containing sarsaparilla, calomel, cinnabar, anise, fennel, senna, and liquorice was warmed up and taken in quart doses daily for ten days.
  7. Mada Joyce and a neighbour bent over the cooking fire arguing over the best decoction of herbs for the girl's condition.
  8. Decoction : This is used for hard and woody plant material such as roots, rhizomes and barks.
  9. deodorant, use fresh leaves in the bath water, or a decoction of the roots, which are also said to be effective in removing freckles

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