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Перевод: deduct speek deduct

вычит`ать; вычесть; удерживать; отчислить; высчитывать; сбавлять; отнимать


  1. Deduct 25 points for a portrait by Snowdon or in oils
  2. This common intention, which was not to agree a figure of 62,480,893 but to deduct group relief at whatever sum was agreed, held until the agreement was made.
  3. Deduct 10 points for each "yes" answer
  4. When you fill in a tax return you will have to declare all sources of income and the Inland Revenue will ignore them or deduct tax as necessary.
  5. Deduct a trade discount of 2.5%
  6. Yes: deduct 20 points
  7. No: deduct 2 points for each one not named.
  8. Create a training incentive for firms through the introduction of a levy equal to 2% of payroll, from which they would deduct their expenditure on training.
  9. Yes: deduct 1 point for each percentage point over 50%
  10. If biographies of non-executive directors are not shown, deduct 15 points
  11. The omission of the word "allow" means that the employer may not deduct damages from monies otherwise due to the contractor.
  12. you deduct the tax-free sum;
  13. Deduct the lower earnings limit, and divide the resulting figure by 80.

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