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Перевод: defeatist speek defeatist

пораженец ; капитулянт


  1. Those were his heroes, and you can look at it like thy had a defeatist attitude or were grotesquely self-indulgent - or that it enabled them to have the art.
  2. Some take the profoundly defeatist view that the kicking and screaming which would accompany a successful revolt would do even more damage than sticking with the lady.
  3. Air Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, RAF commander in Egypt, wrote that "the cloven hoof of Pan American is now well to the fore", and called BOAC's attitude "hopelessly defeatist", Pan American was making inroads in Africa and the Middle East that BOAC might never be able to match.
  4. With some Tory representatives still smarting over their humiliation in the European Parliament elections, Mr Major said it would be a terrible mistake for Conservatives to become defensive or defeatist about their role in the Community.
  5. Although their "defeatist" tone was highly unwelcome to the regime's leadership, the SD central digests were usually milder in their statements than many of the reports which were coming into headquarters from the provincial SD stations.
  6. Herbert Tracey reflected that the "defeatist" mood of the trade unions over the last few years had been transformed.
  7. Defeatist it may seem, but it would be dishonest to predict other than that his tribulations will continue.
  8. One of the last extant reports of the SD agency in Schweinfurt, from May 1944, attributed the defeatist attitude of the population, especially of the workers, directly to the effects of the bombing.
  9. Mrs Thatcher also appears to have intervened more directly than previous Prime Ministers in the promotion of Permanent Secretaries, preferring less senior and "obvious" candidates on the grounds that they were impatient with the status quo and not "defeatist".
  10. She has given voice to those who thought that previous Conservative governments had been too tolerant or "defeatist" about the unions, the welfare state, high taxation, and public spending, and too accommodating to other countries, particularly in the European Community and the Commonwealth.
  11. A liquidator of the best men thrown up by the Revolution, a torturer, a racialist on a Hitlerian scale, a defeatist when war was going badly, and a mind of insatiable vanity and paranoid suspicion was exposed.
  12. And given the extensive fear of denunciation for critical or defeatist comment, it is hardly surprising that negative remarks about the speeches rarely came to light.
  13. Around the same proportion of the population, according to the same surveys, never thought of giving up the struggle to the end - or recovered from such defeatist notions - and it is fair to presume that for them Hitler remained the symbol of continued hope and determination.

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