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Перевод: defecated



  1. It then defecated delicately between the sugar bowl and a coffee cup, settled down with a yawn and appeared to go to sleep.
  2. Further experiments showed that sloth metabolism was so slow that they defecated only once a week.
  3. Under normal circumstances, with the dog running free, you may not even be aware of where it has defecated in undergrowth.
  4. There, hanging by their forelimbs from a vine or branch, the sloths dug a small depression in the soil with their hind legs into which they defecated.
  5. The thieves also stole a pigeon basket and defecated inside a cabin where he and his wife sometimes sit.
  6. Chinese students sent to university in Russia demonstrated noisily on their cross-country train journeys and, on one occasion that shocked Khrushchev deeply, defecated all over a Mongolian station platform.
  7. Lord Rix farce actor Brian Rix has accused them of not fighting back, saying: "We rush like lemmings to the water's edge, devising fatuous so-called policies which are feeble attempts to cover up the fact that we have been defecated on from a great height."
  8. Bosses claimed 5,600 drunken Brits last year stripped, had sex, vomited and defecated in front of other campers.
  9. Each ball commemorated the initiation of a group of ex-cadets, throughout the aeons - each being a nugget of the liquid amber and blood drunk from Rogal Dorn's own chalice by the Reclusiarch of whichever epoch, and defecated by him subsequently in this shape.

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