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Перевод: defilement speek defilement

загрязнение; осквернение; профанация ; растление


  1. As we have seen, it was declared unclean and ritually polluting, and equated metaphorically with the defilement imparted by carrying an idol.
  2. The political breakdown was manifested in the two world wars, in the Holocaust, in the severity of the slump, in the doctrines of Nazism and totalitarian communism, both of which were a defilement of human nature.
  3. My mother had intended no lewdness, but the connotations of her remark had made me feel a greater, more immediate sense of defilement than that which I already experienced.
  4. Any defilement disqualified them from contact with the holy things.
  5. It's difficult to describe the mental agony of this situation, resulting also in rapid weight loss - not to mention the physical defilement.
  6. For such people any contact with the Court would have been the ultimate in defilement - though it should be noted that some of the husbands showed less scruple in accepting governmental places, even to the extent of standing for elections and taking the oath of loyalty to the Emperor and the Constitution.
  7. Only the dull earth can purify me, contact with all else is a defilement so far as I am concerned.
  8. The ritual with the red heifer (19:1-;10) is the remedy for defilement by contact with a dead body, described in verses 11-;22.
  9. It represents both the washing from the stain and defilement of sin and also death to the old way of living and the beginning of a new resurrection life.
  10. Stricter enforcement, allied to the creation of new categories of crime (defilement of girls under 13, gross indecency between men), marked a new inflection in the sexual regime.
  11. One two three four five six not yet seven eight nine no no ten eleven twelve wait thirteen fourteen no ! fifteen not yet ! sixteen wait, wait, wait seventeen wait ! seventeen seventeen eighteen no use nineteen the stuff was Co-ming ! twent - I must have shouted out at that precise moment where exultation turns to disgust, the moment of spilling, of defilement.
  12. To minimize the risk of accidental defilement, tombs were later painted white (see Matthew 23:27).
  13. - special care to avoid defilement through contact with a dead body (see on chapter 19).

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