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Перевод: deflect speek deflect

отклонять; отклонять от прямого направления; отклоняться; отклоняться от прямого направления; преломлять; преломляться


  1. Everyone involved seems to be scrupulously in tune with with the piece's pent-up emotions so that the small details consistently add to the whole rather than deflect from it self-consciously.
  2. But if the reputation as high-handed, unloved and ruthless stepmother hurt (and it clearly did), it did not deflect her from her purpose of re-vamping Althorp and opening it to the public as a top-attraction stately home in a competitive business.
  3. In attempting to deflect opinion from the disappointments of the previous winter and the lack of prospect of an early end of the war and to revamp morale through blaming others for Germany's misfortunes - much as he had done in the years before 1933 - Hitler had lifted a corner of the veil of the "Fhrer myth" and revealed a glimpse of the arbitrary, dictatorial, and irrational way he responded to the first reverses he and the nation had had to suffer.
  4. Although the affair stinks of a set-up, the government has been able to manipulate the publicity to deflect some of the heat from the Bofors affair.
  5. She added: "When you have as many problems as the Clintons are having, you try to deflect attention.
  6. An inner spiral has also been added to deflect swirling grain from the cyclone's inlet pipe, minimising wear.
  7. They inflect or deflect to a common force field, physical, sensual or emotional.
  8. At Prime Minister's Questions in the afternoon Margaret Thatcher was challenged by a Labour MP, Jeff Rooker, on the change and although she managed to deflect the question it was clear she had not been briefed.
  9. This small disturbance did not deflect them for long.
  10. Complete renewal, while providing a stage for experts to display their knowledge would deflect this limited resource from the true maintenance of historic houses, which is clearly a more valuable outlet for their talents.
  11. Whitehall is anxious to deflect attention to two areas - the follow-up to last month's Paris summit to provide aid to Eastern Europe, and further efforts to liberalise the internal European market for 1992.
  12. The minister is confident that Pakistan could deflect Western pressure.
  13. The American plan is designed to deflect criticism of the Bush administration's Indochina policy.

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