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Перевод: deism speek deism



  1. This kind of desire for a natural - and "reasonable" - religion developed strongly in deism, and led to the same kind of conflict with orthodoxy as with the Bible and miracles.
  2. Deism frees this bound-in monadic god by releasing him as an immanent but impersonal spirit.
  3. Unitarianism is often the stepping-stone to a rampant deism.
  4. The titles of some of the books which were published in the golden age of deism well illustrate the terms of the debate: Locke's The Reasonableness of Christianity (1695); Toland's Christianity not Mysterious (1696); Collins' The Grounds and Reasons of the Christian Religion (1724); and, on the other side, Butler's The Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed (1736) and Dodwell's Christianity not Founded upon Argument (1742).
  5. It could hold, as deism did, to belief in God; it could believe that religion is a "natural" and proper element in human life, and that spiritual and moral truths are preserved in the Bible and in Christian teaching.
  6. He published in 1697 an answer to Spinoza's Tractus Theologico Politicus , entitled Deism Examin'd and Confuted .
  7. This was the stance adopted in deism , a rationalist movement in theology which became prominent in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  8. Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
  9. The Tories, however, were convinced that the Toleration Act had encouraged not only the growth of Dissent, but also of heresies such as Deism and Socinianism, and of irreligion in general.
  10. Among the masses there prevails almost universally a total indifference to religion, or at the utmost, some trace of Deism"

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