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Перевод: dejection speek dejection

уныние; подавленное настроение; депрессия ; дефекация ; лава, выбрасываемая вулканом; пепел, выбрасываемые вулканом


  1. (Sara Hutchinson) 3 May 1802 - Wordsworth begins The Leechgatherer i.e. Resolution and Independence 17 June 1802 - Wordsworth continues Immortality Ode 4 Oct. 1802 - Final version of Dejection published by Coleridge.
  2. Many bitter shades of disgust and pain and dejection passed over his face.
  3. The fluency and superabundance of Cain's naming is contrasted with Adam's passive silence: "the primordial dejection of fathers makes no sound".
  4. Sarah understood its dejection.
  5. Can you find dejection, prostration, the sticking in the craw of the intolerable, in the passionate grit of a Terence Trent D'Arby?
  6. The dinner was a gloomy affair - " my guests' dejection was so great that they turned away from food and drink" - but then came the telegram from the King.
  7. For nearly a week after the injury, whenever he was in Nikkie's field of view, Yeroen would hobble pitifully, generating an air of pain and dejection.
  8. His head, craning neck; one moment high, straining to the ceiling; then, a sigh, utter dejection, dropped down between his knees, his forehead pressed to the floor.
  9. To Mary, reading that if she did not do so, "this pre-eminence wherein ye are placed shall be your dejection to torment and pain everlasting", it looked more like the kind of bullying to which, on his own account, he would later subject her daughter.
  10. DEJECTION, elation and worry followed fast on one another's heels.
  11. Oct. 1800 - Coleridge: The Mad Monk 27 March 1802 - Wordsworth begins Immortality Ode 4 April 1802 - Coleridge writes first version of Dejection , called A Letter to
  12. I thought of the corruption of the North American Indians' dress and the sullen dejection Robert Louis Stevenson had observed in the ragged groups of defeated Indians which gathered around his train as it moved through the Great Plains.
  13. But just as she was burying her head beneath the blanket in utter dejection Ella came to bed, and she passed on the most extraordinary piece of news.

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