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Перевод: desecrate speek desecrate

осквернять; оскорблять


  1. " "They shall not desecrate the precincts of ancient tombs and the Great Reformed Kirk of Glasgow with a temple to their vanities and profanities, their antics and mummery
  2. BRITISH sub-aqua divers are being warned not to desecrate what the Japanese say are their biggest war graves in the South Pacific.
  3. He recalled Athelstan's words, how the slayer of Adam Horne used a method practised in Moorish countries to desecrate the body of a criminal and traitor.
  4. "If you just rush down now," said Nikos, "you can interrupt a Moslem funeral and desecrate that too."
  5. But now they threatened to desecrate the temple.
  6. I detest the armoured, air-conditioned truck that deprived me of my final opportunity to desecrate the holy relic that is "Guernica".
  7. However, the dead were also afraid of the living, who might desecrate their tombs, destroy their bodies and thereby bring about the eternal annihilation of their identities.
  8. "I didn't desecrate it."
  9. I had the happiness to desecrate the Gunga by baptising the first Hindu, viz Krishna and my son Felix"
  10. This type of witch is the most likely to desecrate "sacred" property such as graveyards and churches, and to celebrate the black mass, which pokes fun at high church religion.
  11. However they do desecrate the holiest places with their flash-bulbs and hand-held video cameras; they invade peaceful monasteries and sleep on the outskirts of towns in their evil-smelling "campers".
  12. Fundamentalist groups in Pakistan are hostile to the Bombay film industry, believing that shows featuring women desecrate Islam.

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