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Перевод: destined



  1. Perhaps she was destined for glory.
  2. Although never destined to flourish as an active conduit for combined activity, Pateman linked District students with the WETUC scheme for the remission of fees where appropriate - in aggregate usually never more than 20 a year.
  3. Your RR was originally produced as a left hand drive and was destined for Europe.
  4. There is not much comfort for the museum in the knowledge that celebrated works are impossible to fence; the idiosyncratic choice of stolen works strongly suggests that one buyer's taste was being followed and that they are destined to be hidden away in a private collection, possibly in South America or Japan.
  5. His note on the beast of Chapter Seventeen of Revelation, the beast which doesn't exist and still has to appear and is destined for perdition, is "generalhuman" - the word he coined for Notes from Underground and incidentally never used again in his fiction.
  6. The shipment of 16.48 kilograms of 93 per cent enriched uranium is destined for a 14-megawatt research reactor at Potesti, which was supplied by the California-based General Atomics company in the 1970s.
  7. Thousands of families were destined to a life of misery in cramped bed and breakfast accommodation.
  8. Some day John, you, me and my once-blonde head of hair are destined to meet
  9. And if Germany is destined to become one and inevitably rise to a position of leadership in Europe, let us seriously consider the sceptics' view that it should at least not happen in our generation.
  10. Two strictly rational players, each of whom assumes that the other is strictly rational, can do nothing but defect if they both know how many rounds the game is destined to run.
  11. Jacob is the one who with his descendants is destined for God's land, while Esau must turn aside for Seir.
  12. Disillusion grew as the list of names which were destined to be graven into the monument at Alexandra Square slowly grew.
  13. As Lowe's international playing career was drawing to a close, another RAF pilot who was destined to have a considerable influence on the style and development of English rugby began his.

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