d da db dc dd de df dg dh di dj dk dl dm dn do dp dr ds dt du dw dx dy dz

Перевод: deterministic speek deterministic



  1. These theoretical analyses, computer tournaments, and laboratory experiments continue, with the answers depending on the extent to which future pay-offs are discounted, on the ensemble of strategies present in the group of players, on the degree to which strategies are deterministic or error-prone (for example, imperfect memories of opponents or of past events), and so on.
  2. Jenkins argues that enlightenment thinking in Beccaria's time was "advanced": atheistic and deterministic ideas proposing that humans are determined by their social environment, that morality is relative and that the justification for the existing social order was consequently bogus, were being openly espoused.
  3. The fiction is often tied to the life in a somewhat deterministic manner, but Bair's readings are persuasive when read in context.
  4. I should now like to broaden the scope of this essay by discussing the relative importance of stochastic and deterministic, as well as biotic and physical, factors as promoters of evolution.
  5. Both the older judicial astrology and the later horoscopic astrology were based on a fundamentally deterministic, or fatalistic, view of existence.
  6. The simulation of input data uncertainty involves replacing the deterministic input data values by those from a probability distribution that reflects an appropriate error model.
  7. In contrast, our models involve no memory and no strategies: the players are pure C or pure D. Deterministic interaction with immediate neighbours in a two-dimensional spatial lattice, with success (site, territory) going each generation to the local winner, is sufficient to generate astonishingly complex and spatially chaotic patterns in which cooperation and defection persist indefinitely.
  8. Both images ultimately deny the humanity of their subjects by maintaining the deterministic role of these predispositions, thereby reducing human beings to mechanically reactive automata.
  9. It might seem a bit bleak, a bit inhuman ("antihumanist, yes; inhuman, no," she would interject), somewhat deterministic ("not at all; the truly determined subject is he who is not aware of the discursive formations that determine him.
  10. A standard method of spelling error detection (also known as checking or verifying) is a deterministic approach by look-up in a table or word list (Bledsoe and Browning, 1959; Shinghal and Toussaint, 1979; Srihari, Hull and Choudhari, 1983; Bozinovic and Srihari, 1982; Berghel, 1987).
  11. It led him also to the study of existentialism, a popular discourse among fifties youth, made popular by the interest of James Dean, and whose definition seems to sum up what Nicholson has become: "a free agent answerable to no one in a deterministic and seemingly meaningless universe".
  12. Its deterministic view of "femininity" and "masculinity" offers no possibility of combining feminine social concern and caring, and masculine logic and individualism, let alone challenging the gendered distinction they derive from.
  13. Much environmental prediction is predicated upon a logical positivist or Newtonian deterministic basis.

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