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Перевод: deviation speek deviation

отклонение; отступление; отступное; уклон [полит.] ; девиация ; отклонение от договоренного рейса


  1. Accommodation and compromise have not characterized the attitudes and actions of the young university-educated activists of the DUP of recent years because they grew up in the zero-sum game, and even if they forgot its rules long enough to consider shifting the DUP's aims, there is no reason to suppose that the voters would support them in their deviation.
  2. The raw scores were then standardised to a scale with a mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
  3. It was not a peculiar psychological deviation, nor yet a hangover from the old order (although it might be that as well).
  4. It is, however, unfortunately very common for people to discuss spoken language as though it was a deviation from written English, and to discuss non-standard varieties of English as deviations from Standard English.
  5. A superposition of CD2 domains 1 and 2 reveals a striking match on the GFCC' strands (r.m.s. deviation of 0.79 for 35 equivalenced C atoms), emphasizing the partial V-like character of domain 2.
  6. Yet the slightest deviation from procedures laid down could prove disastrous.
  7. He came to an impasse and the choices appeared to be an improbable looking layback, a highly unlikely deviation at the left wall, or retreat.
  8. They insist that there must be no deviation from that style and demand such loyalty that their dancers lose their own identity and become absorbed in the world of that particular ballet.
  9. The greatest deviation in modern architecture and planning is the loss of scale; not human scale but the hierarchies of scale in which vital transformations happen.
  10. I refer to the children closer and closer to the margins of predictable deviation - the hyperactive youngster with emotional problems, which brings autism to the edge of the teacher's diagnosis; the child, otherwise quick-witted, who has massively disabling short-term memory and a confusion in decoding letters: what some would call dyslexia; the child whose spatial intelligence is exceptionally and marvellously out of line with the celebratory rites of the school community, who fails in conventional school work.
  11. As for those with a more weird taste in religious deviation, they can join an exotic religion with saffron robes.
  12. In studying a period and a phase in which what could be proved at the time to be shadows were so determinedly pursued, is he after all studying not an aberration, not a deviation from the normal, but the common behaviour of mankind?
  13. The essence of both offences would be the intrinsic quality of the driving and its deviation from the proper standard, not the consequences which happen to result or happen not to result in a particular case.

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