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Перевод: dietetics speek dietetics

диететика ; диетика


  1. NUTRITIONIST Sarah Godden, 23, has a special interest in dietetics and trained as a dietician at Addenbrookes Hospital in Cambridgeshire.
  2. Fundholders will be able to buy additional services for their patients including some mental health provision, chiropody, dietetics, district nursing and health visiting.
  3. Its fifty-three recommendations included the extension and enforcement of state regulation of environmental health conditions such as overcrowding, smoke pollution, provision of open spaces, control over the distribution of food and the handling of milk; work conditions should be improved, over-fatigue prevented; mothers should be taught proper childcare and girls instructed in cookery and dietetics; adult drinking and juvenile smoking should be curbed; the state should encourage physical training and exercise; there should be an adequate system of school medical inspection and a state-sponsored system of school feeding.
  4. FOODSERVICE Systems Beyond the Year 2000 is the futuristic title of a conference of the International Congress of Dietetics to be held next year from 29 to 31 March in Jerusalem.
  5. Pomiane chose for his career the study of biology, specialising in food chemistry and dietetics.
  6. In addition, it was validating 13 BA and BSc courses in seven institutions; these courses comprised six leading to the award of BA in Communication Studies, in six different institutions, and seven others spread over such areas as Speech Therapy, Dietetics, Art Education and Design.
  7. This might occur if general practices encouraged a partner with a special interest in diabetes to care for their diabetic patients; if practices are well equipped as part of a commitment to quality of care; if the practice has access to dietitian services - most appropriately, perhaps, through the training of practice nurses in dietetics; and, in such well organised practices, if only those patients with special problems are referred to hospital diabetic clinics.
  8. Your physiology book or a text on dietetics will provide all the information you need about these substances, their sources and how they are used by the body.

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