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Перевод: differential speek differential

отличительный; дифференциальный; дифференцированный;
дифференциал ; разница в оплате труда квалифицированных и неквалифицированных рабочих; разница в стоимости проезда в одно и то же место разными маршрутами


  1. As a result the effects of differential mortality rates for men and women are exacerbated.
  2. This result suggests that the human visual system exploits the fact that the differential perspective effects increase with increasing eccentricity and consequently pools this information across quite large visual extents to obtain an estimate of absolute distance which is used for scaling disparities.
  3. Variations across London often reflected the differential performance of the parties there at the last general election, and may well portend trends for the next.
  4. It is clear from the differential sentencing that the judge considered that the rape of the men was a particularly heinous aspect of the case.
  5. Dr. said it was a matter of trying to make a correct differential between right and whatever that means, and that the charter might tend to induce our views as defenders, instead of .
  6. Differential Cut: Where the inner lining of a down filled sleeping bag is cut slightly smaller all round than the outer shell, allowing the down to expand or "loft" fully.
  7. The war had had a differential impact on the economies, with Belgium much less adversely affected than the Netherlands.
  8. The absence of a target date by which the Protestant/Catholic unemployment differential would be significantly reduced is partly explained by this.
  9. Predictions of sexual dimorphism under differential adult mortality are shown in Fig. 4c , for different values of the constant b .
  10. Schrdinger represented the momentum p by a differential operator - which does not commute with the position operator x.
  11. Differential expansion with increasing temperature causes the compound rod to bend and make or break electrical contact.
  12. There may, of course, be odd periods, such as the present, when the differential between German and UK rates is relatively narrow.
  13. The differential weighting of n events displaces their common centre of gravity.

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