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Перевод: dining



  1. Everyone dined together at a plain wooden table more suited to the kitchen or servants' quarters than the guests' dining room, and the fare was similarly lacking in charm.
  2. Dinner, with a choice of menu, is served in the hotel's attractive dining room.
  3. Extremely comfortable with convenient parking and the clubhouse bar-lounge and dining room only yards away, it's a great favourite with knowing golfers.
  4. Remaining lines receive the general rolling stock, ranging from North London four-wheelers to the latest sleeping and dining saloons, all receive final attention here before going out into service."
  5. Her family has celebrated its last Christmas at the 24-seat, 18th century dining table, expected to fetch 12,000.
  6. Tonight she and Hugo were dining with an important senator who generally included show business personalities among his guests and she had not yet decided what to wear.
  7. There was a smiling Chinese gentleman who cooked in the small forward dining car where the grooms, among others, would be eating, and an unsmiling Canadian who would be cooking in the main central dining car for the bulk of the racegoers and the crew themselves.
  8. Inside are four very pretty wood-panelled stuben for a la carte meals, a dining room and an open-plan entrance hall, with a lounge area and bar.
  9. Despite its somewhat unmatched look, the stock formation included some pearls of the Victorian railway era, such as an 1891 ex-LNWR dining saloon, and a Caledonian observation car originally built in 1892, together with a varnished teak Great Northern family saloon of 1912.
  10. In 1985, they proposed to extend their role beyond that of an annual dining club for officers who had taken a degree through the police college scheme.
  11. The Grand Marshal then led the procession headed by the Imperial couple to the dining room.
  12. Heads need to find time to wander into classrooms, parents and toddlers groups, dining halls and playgroups to chat to people and take an interest in what's going on.
  13. Public rooms include an a la carte dining room and a breakfast/dining room for house guests.

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