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Перевод: disappoint speek disappoint

разочаровывать; разочаровать; расстраивать; обманывать; лишать


  1. If you suspect that this is leading up to a tirade about vegetables suffering pain, flowers having feelings and ants being cleverer than humans, then I am sorry to disappoint you.
  2. Well I'm going to disappoint him.
  3. Margaret Stanhope hated to disappoint her boss.
  4. And The Shamen don't disappoint them.
  5. "I'm afraid, dear colleague, that can not be arranged," said Mr Al-Haroun, who hated to disappoint.
  6. Put to the test, the amplified tone of the Infinity fails to disappoint.
  7. Mr Charles Annesley Voysey did not disappoint them.
  8. The open semi finals promised to be two very tight games and they did not disappoint.
  9. He was going so well I didn't want to disappoint him.
  10. This was no easy matter, it being a crumbly cheese - My mother however did it - I went into the garden for something or other, and in the mean time my Brother Frank minced my cheese, "to disappoint the favorite".
  11. He hated to disappoint her.
  12. They reached an impasse very soon - but neither told Edouard, Hugo out of pride, Grgoire because he could not bear to disappoint him.
  13. Like most of Karajan's judgements, it is rational and soundly based, though it will always disappoint English music-lovers for whom the early 1950s Philharmonia was a high-water mark in the country's orchestral affairs, matched only by such other brief periods of glory as those enjoyed by Beecham's LPO and Boult's BBC SO in the 1930s and the LSO in the Monteux, Kertsz, and early Previn years.

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